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1) How do you mix a tertiary colour?
To mix a tertiary colour you make a regular colour using primary colours then add more of one colour
2) How do you make a colour neutral?
Mix it with brown
3) How do you mix a shade of brown?
You mix it with complimentary colours
4)“How does colour affect the viewers reaction to Picasso’s “Celestina” in blue tones and in
Kiki Smith’s “Virgin Mary” in red tones? Red is more intense and will catch your attention more therefore will get its point across and blue will make you more calm or even sad.
5) How does colour in these two works of art play a role in the reaction of the viewer?
The colours give off a different perspective, blue is more soft and gives out a sadder more helpless vibe while red could also mean sad gives a stronger vibe.
6) How might other people’s associations with colour affect their perception of this
portrait?” Different colors could mean different things to them, blue to someone could mean sad but too someone else could reflect a happy time and make them happy.  (A2.1)
7) Looking to your colour wheel, what are 3 areas you are most proud of and what are 3
areas if you had more time you would rework and why?
I would re-work the neatness, time management and little mistakes because they all tie in together, If i dont manage my time right i make little mistakes which will in-turn effect the neatness of the wheel. Im proud of the way the colours turned out, and my font/bubble letters.
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