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The main Idea of this piece was to show how simple something could appear, but have something more complex behind it. I originally did this project thinking that it would be too easy or simple but in fact it took a lot more effort then I had thought. When I first started doing this project I wanted to create a symbol or something like that out of nails and string. I couldn't find something that resonated with me so I decided that I should looking somewhere else. I found the photo that I based my piece off of on National Geographic and decided to work from there.


When I first started planning I had a perfect envisionment of what this project will look like, I thoughtfully planned it out with all the measurements on the piece of wood I was using, but then I realised it wouldn't work. The idea was to have a grid like formation of the nails going into the center of my perimeter of nails. I was looking my measurements over and I realised that I could not properly string the string from nail to nail if I decided to continue with that plan, so I had to change it to try to realign with my original thought of the piece. I think I achieved the goal I strived for which was creating a piece of art I was happy with and that I enjoyed doing. I think that my next step would be from this piece would be challenging myself more. Even though this piece had its tough moments

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